Friday, May 15, 2015

In Preparation...

Throughout this past year at school, searching for internships for this summer was almost like a full time job - on top of all the school work that had to be completed, it was not an easy task. Back in September, I secured a connection with a top federal defense contractor, got the interview, letter of interest, and landed the internship in electronic systems [did I really think I would find this interesting enough for an entire summer?]. Working in Baltimore right near BWI for the summer seemed like the best possible outcome; I do love Maryland (mmmm, Hunt Valley *heart eyes*). To make it even more enticing, I began dating my boyfriend in November, who lives in Maryland as well, so that job kept looking better and better. Not to my parents, of course. With a location three-hours away comes relocation. That means the next full-time job just became apartment hunting. I don't know anything about houses or almost got interesting. 

After being rejected from my dream internship in New York City, this seemed like a done deal. Well, I was wrong; this will happen a lot.
Hours before my strenuous three-hour drive back up to the Garden State for spring break, I receive an email and a call from my parents saying I was hired in the marketing department of my dream internship job. Happy? Overjoyed! At the time? Absolutely not. I felt my hard work  getting the other internship was stripped from me and I was left with the "rich-kid-stigma-who-gets-everything-she-wants" kind of feeling I constantly received by a previous boyfriend. That is not a fun feeling by any stretch of the imagination. Because of that, I had no idea how to be happy for this. It also didn't help I was leaving my boyfriend for a week after being with him everyday for two months - I hate change

After swallowing my pride, coping with change, and my constant internal battle, I decided to meet with the vice president of the department over break. It also happened to be the day we got a blizzard, in March. Trekking through the City in that was LOADS of fun....not. But, it still was good, though, because my dad took me out to lunch at Serafina's so I could get my ravioli's in black truffle sauce - YUMMM! Getting to meet all the women I would be working with got me much more excited about the adventure I would soon be embarking on. I had made the right choice. (Especially now with all the craziness going on in Baltimore. I would not feel safe at all!)

I then returned to school to finish up my semester [with a GPA of a 3.7, may I add], partake in the senior events - like formal and commencement - because of boyfriend, spend a few days at his house, and finally to return home for a few days before my journey begins. 

Starting work on Monday has me feeling all kinds of ways. Am I scared? Nervous? Excited? Thrilled? All of the above? I mean, working in the City is a thrill all in itself. I can't wait for that! Just to be surrounded with all the noise, amazing food, tons of people - maybe even more people my age, and everything else that comes with the City will be such an amazing experience. Now the actual job part is what is making me nervous (along with having to ride the God-forsaken bus in and out of the city, because who, on my kind of budget, would pay $30 A DAY to park at Port Authority? Absolutely not me, that's for sure. Let's hope I can just get over getting car-sick! Or somehow win the lottery so I can afford a Town Car and my very own Arthur - Gossip Girl reference.). This will be the place I share my thoughts, journeys, encounters, and experiences with you all because I am sure that my summer will be nothing short of entertaining.

What I think I am most excited for is being able to wear business casual Monday through Friday, nine to five, until the end of July. Who in their right mind says they are excited for business casual in the summer? Only this crazy girl right here. 

But for now, I am logging off because my beauty rest is needed to prepare for Monday. Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do something or make something of yourself. I hope to be the perfect defier of that this summer so I can prove it and be motivation to others. 

Reach for the stars and stay classy. 

Queen Bee